
Wednesday, October 5, 2011

No. 1 County in South Carolina for DUI and My Thoughts on Federalism

Kershaw County is getting some help from the Feds in stopping DUI.  One interesting tidbit is that Kershaw County is the worst county in South Carolina for this particular crime. I didn't know that, and I wouldn't have guessed it. I'm not sure what's going on out in Kershaw County, but apparently, it's not good.

The Feds are stepping up with some money for some additional cops. I'm not against more police officers out stopping people for DUI, but isn't this a local problem? The SC Highway Patrol says they don't have the resources due to "budget cuts". Ok, so what are they spending their money on? What else is Kershaw spending their money on? I bet you that there is waste in the system that can be cut so we can get more actual experienced officers on the street keeping us all safe. Or maybe I'm completely wrong.

1 comment:

  1. See, this is what happens when people are put in charge of an operation/organization who have no real experience or knowledge of how that operation should be run.
