Monday, February 13, 2012

Justice Breyer Robbed!

This seems like it was kind of a close one and could have been much worse.
Police confirmed that on Thursday (Feb. 9) night sometime after 10, a masked intruder wielding a machete robbed a sitting U.S. Supreme Court Justice at his Golden Rock vacation home. 
According to information reaching this media house, the robber stole a total of about US$1200 and fled the scene without further confrontation.
The Judge, The Observer was told, is a regular vacationer to the island and was traveling with his wife and several friends on this sojourn.
Here's the local newspaper story. Wow. Can you imagine how close we were to Obama having another SCOTUS appointment and in an election year? I'll have to start following Breyer's opinions now to see if he's a little harsher on any appellants who were machete-wielding robbers. Cert denied, bro.

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