Friday, December 14, 2012

Gov. Jindal Proposes End to Birth-Control Politics

Louisiana Governor, Bobby Jindal, has what is going to be a much talked-about op-ed in this morning's Wall Street Journal. He's proposing that birth control simply be available over-the-counter rather than requiring a doctor's visit and a prescription.
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists announced its support last month for selling oral contraceptives over the counter without a prescription in the United States. I agree with this opinion, which if embraced by the federal government would take contraception out of the political arena.
I agree with this idea. There's no reason that oral contraceptives should require a prescription, when the morning-after pill does not. Politically, this is a simple move. The Democrats ran around last election cycle and screamed about Republicans who were going to take away everyone's birth control. Making birth control the equivalent of buying aspirin would end that line of attack. So, politically this is a winner.

Practically, it also makes sense. It eliminates needless doctor's visits, and increased competition would probably lead to a price decrease. I'll be interested to see if the social conservatives get heartburn from this proposal. For what it's worth, I'm usually in favor or reducing restrictions and regulations for people buying things. It's time to end the need for a prescription for birth control.

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