Thursday, August 15, 2013

Steve Spurrier: Shirtless Dawnbringer of the SEC

We're so lucky to have such a great coach here at South Carolina. He knows exactly what he's doing, and he's damn funny. Speaking of damn funny, Spencer Hall does great work. His latest piece on Spurrier is wonderful. I can't quote the whole thing, so just go read the whole piece, alright?
It's not hard to grasp the concept of a tonal language if you're used to listening to people like Steve Spurrier. This is what he said this week, verbatim, about several injured players after a South Carolina practice.
"We got a bunch of hurt guys that act like they’re really hurt," Spurrier said after Monday’s evening practice, the last of No. 7 South Carolina’s first two-a-day session. "Right now, they may not play."
On paper it's one thing, but the way he said it meant a whole other thing. Translated: I do not believe these very important players to our football team are truly hurt. I would like them to know there are people waiting for their jobs if they are only mildly hurt, and attempting to malinger. In addition, I feel deep disdain for them for even attempting such a ruse. All of this should be very clear to them.
Spurrier managed to say that using way, way fewer words than that, and all while not exactly saying it explicitly.
Like I said. Go read the whole thing. Two weeks from today, we kickoff the season.

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