Monday, February 4, 2013

My Post Super Bowl Thoughts

So the SuperBowl was yesterday. I hear that it was a blowout at the beginning, Beyonce was awesome in the middle, energy efficient in the third quarter, and close at the end. I didn't actually watch one moment of the game. Yeah, I know, it's The Superbowl! You gotta watch it. I didn't. Wasn't interested. Not even a little.  Don't worry, I'm not one of those smug jerks who loves to show off how out of the mainstream they are. I wasn't reading Jack Kerouac.

I watched a marathon of Game of Thrones because I had never seen it. It's awesome, by the way.

The thing is, I only have so much sports in me, and I really follow the college football season and baseball closely. If I started watching NFL football, it would be like a late-night booty call. I just show up for the playoffs after not having watched a game? That feels kind of cheap and trashy to me.

Mrs. Permanent Press likes to say that the time from the end of the college football season until the beginning of baseball is "the romance time". Ever seen Fever Pitch? Conveniently, Valentine's Day falls at just the right time.

However, the Superbowl is one of those shared experiences that everyone has. Reading through my Twitter feed (from last night) during lunch today, I felt a twinge of remorse for not being "part of it" and enjoying the same thing the rest of my friends (and most of the world) was enjoying. That wouldn't have really been possible just a few years ago. Social media has brought us together for these shared experiences in a new way.

I did see most of the big commercials, courtesy of YouTube, and I have to say that I wasn't that impressed by most. The Budweiser Clydesdales was probably the best, because it's almost a traditional commercial now. Check out this link; it's got some great old Bud commercials.

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