Thursday, April 5, 2012

Permanent Press Salutes The Masters

The Masters begins today, and there should be some great story-lines to watch. Will Tiger have a big showing after his long drought? Will Rory McIlroy be able to shake off his terrible collapse last year, and will the female IBM CEO be given an honorary green apron instead of the traditional green jacket?

Every year, we get the same recycled story about how the Augusta National is such a bunch of backwards, sexist, good ol' boys who need to get with the program and start admitting women. Every year, it's a bunch of chattering, and it's always the same.

I like the fact that the Augusta National has decided to take a stand and not admit women. In the face of the relentless criticism and hate, it would have been an easy move for them to admit a few ladies. However, they chose the harder path. They decided that they were going to stand on principle and not give in to the pressure.

Whether you agree with their position or not, you still have to respect their decision to run their private club by their own rules. You won't ever be able to accuse the Members of the Augusta National of being "flip-floppers" or simply catering to the whims of the politically correct folks. For their stand to keep an old tradition alive and maintain their club the way they see fit, Permanent Press raises a golf club in their direction.

No girls allowed: Unless you're going to be in the kitchen making us a pimento cheese sandwich.

1 comment:

  1. Ha,Ha. I actually agree. Otherwise, you'd be asking us where the bread and knife is..and the girl would have to find it for you. love,mom
    PS I do agree that any private group should have the freedom to accept as members who they invite without outside pressure.
