Friday, September 20, 2013

Friday Open Thread

I'm starting my weekend early, so here's the Friday Open Thread with a news roundup that you've all been waiting for. Feel free to talk about whatever suits you.
  1. US will allow Syria to miss the first deadline. I'm shocked, I tell you...shocked.
  2. ObamaCare exchanges in 36 stats cannot calculate how much people will pay. We're in the best of hands.
  3. Mediation continues in the "Baby Veronica" case. Hopefully, people will make reasonable decisions.
  4. Navy Yard Shooter used an illegal gun. He sawed off the end of the shotgun with a hacksaw. Anyone wondering if he paid the requisite fee and fill out the proper paperwork? We obviously need to ban hacksaws.
If you don't like my open thread, go check out Brad's. He may have something different. If you don't like that either, turn off your computer and go to the Greek Festival. It's the weekend. Enjoy it.

See you on Monday.

1 comment:

  1. Re item 1: "Oh, yeah? Well, I double-dare ya to cross THIS line!" (Backs up and draws yet another line in sand.)
