Monday, November 25, 2013

Crow Uses Lid to Snowboard Down Roof [VIDEO]

Multiple times. He's definitely doing this on purpose - you know - for fun.

A snow boarding crow? Crow-boarding?

One thing to keep in mind is that crows are really smart as far as birds go. Crows have been known to pick up tough nuts and drop them onto a road where they are crushed by traffic, then going down and eating them. They can also distinguish different humans by recognizing human facial features.

Crows. Better keep an eye on them. Creepy suckers.

1 comment:

  1. not the first time such behavior has been observed in corvidae.
    They are also known to use drugs. Read David Quammen's " Will Success Spoil the Crow" written in the last century - I believe collected in his book " Natural Acts"
