Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Hey World! Shape Up! You're Disappointing Obama!

In a recent poll of current US Presidents, the world's approval rating has drastically slipped given recent events. In fact, the poll results revealed that the current President expressed "disappointment" when asked about the rest of the world.
"The profile [of President Obama] that I published in the New Yorker was somebody that eerily, eerily seemed to be claiming himself--it was a sense of not giving up, but of deep frustration--that was the profile that I published in the New Yorker. Somebody frustrated and disappointed," said Remnick, who has proven to be deeply sympathetic to this president.

"And that's what's frustrating to me sometimes about Obama is that the world seems to disappoint him," he continued to laughter from others on the TV set. "Republicans disappoint him, Bashar al-Assad disappoints him, Putin as well. And the fighting spirit sometimes is lacking in the performative aspects of the presidency."
I can't say that I really feel bad for the President. You know, the world disappoints me constantly. The world disappoints everyone constantly. Part of becoming a grownup is realizing that it has always been ever so and then moving on with life anyway.

Huh...seems like he's frustrated with everyone who doesn't do exactly what he wants. What did he expect - that the whole world would just adore him and do whatever he said?

Grow up, Mr. President.

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