Thursday, July 26, 2012

USDA Advocates "Meatless Mondays"

Yesterday, the USDA released a newsletter encouraging agency employees not to eat meat on Mondays.
Pointing to the United Nations as their informational authority, the USDA’s newsletter said that going meatless is good for the environment because “animal agriculture is a major source of greenhouse gases and climate change.
Wait, what? Is global warming climate change now a primary focus of the USDA?

I thought the USDA was the government agency that was supposed to help farmers. This is the opposite. The USDA encouraging it's employees to avoid meat is like the DOT encouraging it's employees not to use bridges or tunnels.

Once again, this is your tax money at work. Whenever I hear a politician ask me for more tax money, it's always for police, firefighters, teachers, or roads. Whenever I hear about my tax money being actually spent, it's always on stuff like this.

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