Tuesday, August 21, 2012

What You Learn as President (Or Kindergarten)

So, our President had a press conference the other day. Among other things, he said this:
“The truth of the matter is you can't just make stuff up. That’s one thing you learn as president of the United States. You get called in to account."
To use a phrase that our President is fond of: let's be clear - he means lying when he says "make stuff up".

Not for nothing, but most of us learn not to lie much earlier in life. Also, not to get to philosophical on this riff, but the fear of getting found out on your lies isn't supposed to be the motivation not to lie. You're not supposed to lie (make stuff up) because...oh yeah...it's morally wrong.

It's like saying: The truth of the matter is that you don't take things that aren't yours. That's one thing you learn as president of the United States. Oh, and washing your hands before you eat, that's a biggie, too".

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